
Mogaland introduces a dynamic staking system tailored to meet the evolving needs of its token economy. This system is designed to provide tangible benefits for both $MOGA holders and the platform.

Staking Options:

Fixed-Term Staking (No Unstaking Option)

  • Fixed staking rewards with mandatory lock-up terms.

  • Early unstaking is not allowed.

  • Staking rewards are automatically reinvested for a compounding effect.

  • Staking rewards are subject to fees.

Fixed-Term Staking (With Unstaking Option)

  • Fixed staking rewards with mandatory lock-up terms.

  • Early unstaking is permitted but incurs a tax.

  • Staking rewards are subject to fees.

Flexible Staking

  • Floating staking reward with no lock-up requirement.

  • Staking rewards are subject to fees.

Benefits of Staking

  • Rewards: Participate in staking to earn additional tokens, enhancing holding value.

  • Governance Participation: Staked tokens confer voting rights, allowing holders to influence key platform decisions.

  • Value Gains: Engage in long-term holding through staking, potentially leading to appreciation of staked assets.

  • Network Security: Staking by token holders contributes to the platform’s stability.

  • Market Stability: Long-term holding through staking is designed to mitigate market volatility.

  • User Engagement: Staking deepens user involvement in Mogaland’s growth.

  • Total Supply Reduction: Burning of fee and tax from staking slowly reduces total supply over time, contributing to healthy inflation.

Fee, Tax and Burning

  • Burning and Reinvestment: Mogaland implements a unique strategy where 50% of collected staking taxes and fees are burned, and the remaining 50% is reinvested into the staking rewards pool. This mechanism promotes a self-sustaining rewards cycle and reinforces the overall health of the token economy.

Mogaland’s staking features are integral to the platform’s economic architecture, providing benefits to individual token holders and supporting the collective stability and growth of the protocol.

Last updated