Dojo (Academy)

In the future, Mogaland's Dojo will serve as the hub for all the financial knowledge learners need to excel in gameplay and enemy battles. The Dojo will also offer specific resources to help Mogalanders prepare for games and events. Learners who start early and invest time in preparation will boost their chances of success. Furthermore, the Dojo will provide additional information on topics learners have already mastered in mini-games, taking their learning to new heights. Learners will also earn rewards and knowledge certificates for completing quests within the Dojo.

Learners can gain financial skill points by entering education content. By achieving specific levels of education, learners may also win scrolls or even NFTs.

Skill points function as a proof of improvement in financial literacy and help achieving personal, but also community goals and unlock events and rewards.

Investing Skill points in the Tree of Wisdom may grant Fruits of Wisdom.

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