
By excelling in the various financial edutainment mini-games, learners are awarded foods of different rarities. The better the learners' performance, the higher their chances are at earning foods with higher rarities.

These foods serve as a critical element for the growth and evolution of their companions, each endowed with unique attributes and financial stats.

Foods and Their Impact

Improved Financial Skills

Feeding companions with higher rarity food is an indicator of a learner's enhanced financial literacy within Mogaland. It signifies that the learners has progressed enough to earn or afford premium foods, reflecting their high competency.

Enhanced Companion Attributes

  • Breeding Attractiveness: Premium foods boost the abilities and desirability of a companion in breeding.

  • Advantages: As companions consume rarer foods, their stats improve. This not only makes them perform better in existing mini-games, leading to more successful outcomes & winnings, but also more equipped to handle of future challenges.

Other Benefits

Better companion attributes, in turn, elevate other utilities and rewards, such as:

  • creating a companion that can generate gold earnings,

  • gaining exclusive accesses,

  • and unlocking higher $MOGA staking reward levels.

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